Road House – Now on NETFLIX

WARNING! RATED: R – Language, Nudity, Sex Scenes, and Violence.

Plot Summary: When it becomes too violent at the Double Deuce road house, the club owner hires Dalton, a professional “cooler” (head bouncer) to clean it up. But Dalton’s early successes and budding romance with the local doctor enrages Wesley, the town crime boss. When Dalton continues to defy him, the stage is set for a dramatic confrontation that will test Dalton’s limits and decide the fate of the town.

If you’re like me and part of a generation that missed out on the craze that was Patrick Swayze, this movie may be the best place to start your new obsession. Swayze was most famous for his roles in Dirty Dancing, Ghost and Point Break.  He was the heartthrob of every woman and the envy of every man. Road House came right off of his smash hit Dirty Dancing and propelled him even further into the 90’s pop culture.

I had never seen much of the movie until I finally watched it a few nights ago, and therefore had little expectations and did not know what kind of movie I was going to get. And this is definitely the ultimate 90’s bar fight movie. Broken tables, smashed beer bottles, pool sticks and switch blades are used to a ridiculously fun amount and make each confrontation the more enjoyable to watch.

Dalton, Swayze’s character, is a cool, calm, and collected bouncer with a degree in psychology. He’s not your typical bumbling behemoth that you see standing outside the clubs. Instead he’s calculating the environment and strategically handling each situation with minimal casualties.

Despite Dalton’s efforts to clean up the bar, Brad Wesley is determined run him out of town for ruining his corrupted system. Wesley uses his henchmen to terrorize both Dalton and the numerous townspeople.

With the help of his friend Wade Garrett (Sam Elliot), Dalton must fight back against Wesley and remove the millionaires corruption from the town. It all comes at a cost and Dalton must find a way to settle the score and save the ones he loves.

This results in one of the coolest fights and kills I’ve seen in any action movie thus far. Filled with some over the top moves and a ridiculous finisher, this goes down in history as one of the MOST BADASS fights ever. 

While this may be more cheesy than a large pile of nachos, it is full testosterone and awesome action. Any fan of awesome hand-to-hand fighting and super cool action heroes should definitely check it out!

I give this movie 7.5 round house kicks out of 10!

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