Kick-Ass – Review

“I always wondered why nobody did it before me. I mean, all those comic books, movies, TV shows. You think that one eccentric loner would’ve made himself a costume. I mean, is everyday life really so exciting? Are schools and offices so thrilling that I’m the only one who fantasized about this? Come on, be honest with yourself. At some point in our lives we all wanna be a superhero.”

Back in 2005 we saw the most realistic depiction of a super-hero, Batman Begins. It showed what it would really look like for a millionaire playboy to become the Caped Crusader at night. With Batman being such a revered and almost holy character in fiction, Nolan could not show him go through the ridiculous struggles of attempting to vanquish evil in an entire city while wearing spandex, a mask, and cape without an upheaval of comic fans outraged at their childhood idol being humiliated on screen. Kick-Ass shows what it would be like if you or me tried to do the same thing. It is hysterical and also feels realistic as to what it would truly be like for an average human to undertake such a great task.

Within this realistic take on becoming a super hero, is some insane and awesome action and violence. Either Kick-Ass’s (Aaron Taylor-Johnson) first act of heroism or the scenes involving Hit Girl (Chloë Grace Moretz) and Big Daddy (Nicolas Cage) have some brutal and well choreographed action sequences. While I hesitate to say the humor is dark, it is definitely through a darker lens. Some of the best chuckle moments were watching Kick-Ass trying to imitate the character and honor of super heroes and instead falling back to his juvenile behavior.

This a fun, entertaining look at a guy deciding he’s fed up with watching people stand by at the sight of injustice and becomes a symbol for those who are fed up as well and want to make a change. This movie is kick ass and deserves a viewing by any super hero or action fan.

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