Die Hard – Review (Classic)

“Now I have a machine gun. Ho Ho Ho.”

Die Hard is regarded as one of the best, if not the best action movies of all time. I had never seen the movie in its entirety, only bits and pieces on TV as a kid. I went into this movie hesitant whether the accolades and hype around it would hold up after nearly three decades. And in short, it blew them away. It is one of the most fun, clever and intense movies I’ve seen in a while.

John McClane (Bruce Willis) is an average cop from New York. Besides being on the force for 11 years he does not have any extraordinary skills or experience. When he’s caught in this crazy hostage situation and no way to communicate with anyone outside the building (at first) he is left to improvise quickly in order to save his wife and the other hostages. McClane drops numerous one liners during his radio talks with Hans Gruber (Alan Rickman) and his new “partner” Sgt. Al Powell (Reginald VelJohnson), such as the legendary phrase “Yippee ki yay motherf*cker.” While nearly all the characters played their roles great, the two Johnson FBI agents were annoying, plain and boring to me and I was more happy than surprised when their plan “blew up” in their face (Haha). The movie spaced out all the fights and shoot outs to make each action packed moment feel special. Whether the terrorists were blowing up an armored police car or McClane is hanging from the roof by a fire hose, each moment felt different and memorable in and of itself.

You should definitely watch this movie if you haven’t yet or watch it again if you already have. Here’s a taste of the movie…Ben Stiller style:

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